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Why we strive to provide eco-friendly Aussie souvenirs

We love souvenirs that are useful, quirky, Australian themed and environmentally friendly.

Whilst the Koala and the Kangaroo are our favourite Aussie icons, we love all of Australia, and we strive to protect it. It’s important to us that the products we sell are not only eco-friendly in design, but in the whole process, including packing and shipping. We have FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) accreditation, and we are constantly working towards improving manufacturing processes and reducing packaging in our pursuit of developing recyclable and renewable souvenirs.

Right from conception (almost 20 years ago), we’ve strived to do better for the environment, ensuring all wood products are sustainably sourced as well as seeking suppliers who have the same drive. Our packaging is completely plastic-free, and we use the absolute minimum amount of packing materials, with recycled kraft tissue or paper as protection for fragile items. Even our backing cards and barcodes are printed on recycled card, again minimised to only what is absolutely necessary. 

Our latest range is a collaboration with Zero Plastics Australia, and is made entirely of recycled bottle lids. Four bottle caps is unfortunately all it takes to kill a turtle, and each keyring in this new range will use approximately the same amount, effectively saving a turtle with each one. On the larger scale, that’s 32,000 bottle caps, 96kg of single use plastic waste that we’ve saved from landfill and our oceans. 

As a certified carbon neutral business, we are always on the lookout for new innovations in the eco-friendly world, especially when it comes to biodegradable and recycled products. If it’s been recycled once, it can be recycled again, and again, and again!


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