7 reasons people use car stickers in Australia

You just have to look around any carpark to see how many people use car stickers and decals. Bumper stickers, back window car stickers, car branding, decorative car decals… there are a myriad of reasons people plaster stickers onto their cars.

Here are just a few:

1) To stand out from the crowd

There are so many cars on the road today. Over 20 million cars were registered in Australia in 2020 and many of them come in variations of white, grey, and black. Have you ever found yourself scanning a sea of similar cars for that little sticker or quirk that helps you recognise your car? While most people don’t want a neon purple car that jumps out at you (even if they are cool!), they do want to stand out from the crowd just a little. Car stickers and decals are perfect for this - cheap, removable, and plenty of choice!

2) To add their personal stamp

Just like how people love to put paintings on their walls or choose a nice screen background, many show their personal style with car stickers. Whether it’s a decorative car decal, a quirky bumper sticker, or a car sticker with a personal connection, they’re an easy and accessible way to put your personal stamp on your car.

3) To support a team or cause

How many cars do you see with stickers referencing a local team, club, or cause? People love to included and these car stickers are a great way to show that you’re are a member of a team or support something.

4) To share or celebrate a community

Love where you live or have a favourite holiday spot? Australian town name car stickers and postcode car stickers are a great way to share that love! From Bells to Bondi to Broome, our Aussie community spirit is legendary, which is why Australian location car decals are a popular choice!

5) To advertise a local business

Does your car sport stickers from your car dealer, mechanic, or maybe even your favourite local business (or your own)? Branded car stickers are a popular way for local businesses to get the word out and increase brand awareness. We offer custom branded car stickers for exactly this reason - so you can get your own stickers whether you’re a ski resort or a local coffee shop!

6) To display a permit

While not as fun or personal as the reasons above, car stickers are widely used for practical reasons like permits, parking allowances, registration types, entry passes, memberships, and more. Our custom car stickers could also be a good choice if you need something like this.

7) To alert other drivers

Baby on board car decal anyone? While everyone loves to joke about the baby on board stickers and family car decals, there are many variations of car stickers that help alert other drivers. Think large vehicle or speed limited stickers for trucks, “if you can read this you’re too close” bumper stickers, even L and P plate car stickers that help others understand why you or they may be required to drive more cautiously in certain situations.

Whatever the reason, car stickers are a popular choice and we have a great range to choose from! Check out our Australia car stickers, Feels Good car stickers, Town Name car stickers, or Custom car stickers.